Home / Operculectomy
An operculectomy is a minor surgical procedure involving the removal of the gum tissue that partially covers a tooth, typically a wisdom tooth. This gum flap, known as an operculum, can cause discomfort or lead to infections if not treated. The procedure is often performed when the tooth cannot fully erupt due to gum tissue blocking its path, making oral hygiene challenging and increasing the risk of infections.
The primary cause of operculum formation is the partial eruption of a tooth, most commonly a wisdom tooth. When a tooth lacks space to fully emerge, it becomes partially covered by a flap of gum tissue. This condition is more common in wisdom teeth due to their late development and the limited space at the back of the mouth. Poor dental hygiene, genetic predisposition, and overcrowding of teeth can also contribute to this condition.
Symptoms of an operculum include:
If left untreated, the area can become a breeding ground for bacteria, leading to more serious dental complications.
The treatment for this condition is an operculectomy. The procedure is straightforward and typically performed under local anaesthesia. The dentist or oral surgeon will carefully remove the gum tissue covering the tooth, providing relief from pain and preventing further infections. Post-surgery, proper oral hygiene is crucial, and antibiotics may be prescribed to prevent infections. Full recovery generally occurs within a few days.
In some cases, removing the underlying tooth may be recommended, especially if the tooth is impacted or poses future risks.
Singh Cancer Maxillofacial and Dental Center is a multi-specialty clinic in Kanpur that offers a wide range of dental and maxillofacial services. The clinic is known for its expertise in oral cancer treatment, maxillofacial prosthetics, and oral and maxillofacial surgery.