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What is a Mucocele?

A mucocele is a fluid-filled swelling that typically forms on the inner lips, tongue, or floor of the mouth. It occurs due to the rupture or blockage of a salivary gland duct, which leads to the accumulation of mucus. Though benign, mucoceles can sometimes cause discomfort or become recurrent, requiring treatment.


Mucoceles are primarily caused by trauma or injury to the salivary glands or ducts. Common reasons include:

  • Biting or sucking on the lips or cheeks
  • Trauma caused by braces or other dental appliances
  • Obstruction of salivary ducts, often from the presence of small stones
  • Chronic irritation or inflammation of the salivary gland tissue

These factors can result in the rupture of a salivary duct, causing the trapped mucus to collect and form a cyst-like swelling.


The most common symptom of a mucocele is a painless, smooth bump that may vary in size. Other symptoms include:

  • A bluish or translucent swelling on the lips, gums, or floor of the mouth
  • Occasional tenderness or discomfort, especially if the mucocele is repeatedly bitten or irritated
  • Changes in size, often fluctuating from smaller to larger depending on saliva production and irritation

In rare cases, large mucoceles on the floor of the mouth (ranulas) may affect speech or eating.

Treatment Options

Treatment for mucoceles varies depending on their size and location. Smaller mucoceles may resolve on their own, while larger or persistent ones might require professional intervention. Treatments include:

  • Surgical removal of the mucocele
  • Marsupialisation, a procedure to drain and reshape the cyst
  • Laser therapy for precise removal

At Dental and Maxillofacial, our team is experienced in diagnosing and treating mucoceles to ensure optimal oral health.

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